58 days to go
Kia Ora.
Today I started counting days. It's now officially less than two months to go until we head of to NZ and there still heaps of thing to do. As you can see on the picture, autumn fully hit Hannover, foreboding the cold. Apart from a fair bit of gear that is still missing, the ferry from Wellington to Picton needs to be booked, we have think about the best way to get a NZ registered PLB (personal locator beacon) and we are still working on the blog. Having quite an intense time at uni as well, keeps us pretty busy.
Today our merino wool shirts from Engelhorn arrived. We both have 100% Merino long base layers (long shirt+long john) and two T-shirts made out of Merino and Lyocell (50:50). We are so exited to finally wear them on the trail. The shirts are light weight and super soft. The material creates a very natural and pleasant feeling on the skin. On the trail we'll see whether they hold up to, to what the promise.
Take care,
Kia Ora mein Freund.
heute haben offiziell begonnen die Tage zu zählen. Es sind nun weniger als zwei Monate bei zu unserem Abflug und es gibt noch jede viele Dinge zu erledigen. Einige Ausrüstung fehlt noch, die Fähre von Wellington nach Picton muss gebucht werden und verschiedene Themen wie z.B. SOS-Gerät müssen noch einmal genauer recherchiert und organisiert werden. Neben der intensiven Uni-Phase, die wir gerade bewerkstelligen, hält uns die Te Araroa Orga ganz schön busy.
Bis bald, Jule
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